Postal 2 enhanced mode
Postal 2 enhanced mode

postal 2 enhanced mode

Game difficulty is now saved with save file (instead of globally).Fixed several interaction bugs with Krotchy.Characters that set themselves on fire (ex: with a molotov) don’t try to attack themselves anymore.Crouched NPCs that die when catching on fire don’t stand upright anymore–they ragdoll now.

postal 2 enhanced mode

  • Decapped head when shot by shotgun now doesn’t explode into incorrect amount as before.
  • Radar now doesn’t come up after travel to new day (fixes radar coming up strangely).
  • The « Submit Bug Report » button works now.
  • « CheckDepthStencilMatch failed » crash fixed.
  • postal 2 enhanced mode

    Changed error messages to refer to postal2.ini instead of ut2003.ini.« triggered a bug in the DirectX 8.1 runtime » crash fixed on most machines.1000000 iterations in PrepPawnSlider function crash fixed.Innocent, unarmed bystanders are even easier to kill now.Dogs that you befriend have more health and their health increases with game difficulty (to stay useful).As Difficulty is increased, damage NPC’s can deal out is increased instead of increasing their max health.Postal Dude deals slightly more damage with all weapons.Shotgun slightly stronger, pellet count increased, and imparts a little more momentum.NPC’s less accurate further away target is.Machinegun strength enhanced, more accurate, and has faster shooting.Added support for joysticks and extra mouse buttons.Added new bullet tracers option (defaults to On).Dead bodies can be decapitated (if they still have a head) by the shotgun or shovel.Game difficulty for each save is now displayed on save/load menus.Added in-game cheat menu after you beat the game once.New Cheat: « NowWeDance » – scissors machinegun.New Cheat: « BoppinCats » – cats ricochet after shot off guns.New Cheat: « Headshots » – one shot to the head kills.New Difficulty: « They Hate Me » – even harder mode where anyone with a weapon automatically hates the player on sight.New Difficulty: « Insane-o » – extra hard mode with ALL bystanders armed to the teeth.New Weapon: The WMD – only available in the Tora Bora map.New Level: « Tora Bora » – secret cave hideout of the Taliban.New Level: « Obligatory Sewer System » – seweriffic fun and leads to other areas of the map.Téléchargement des 27.5 Mo sur GameGossip ou Gamespot.La liste complète des changements : Ainsi, les développeurs du jeu viennent de sortir le patch 1337 (ils auront vraiment tout fait), qui rajoute deux maps, une arme (Weapon of Mass Destruction, utilisable uniquement dans la nouvelle map Tora Bora), deux niveaux de difficultés, des cheats et puis différents autres trucs, en plus de corriger des bugs (et de réduire le temps de chargement des niveaux). Running With Scissors a beau ne pas vendre des masses de son Postal 2, il en assure le support.

    Postal 2 enhanced mode